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Sacred Red Drums
Awakening the Divine Feminine Heartbeat
“It is often said that the first sound we hear in the womb is our mother's heartbeat. Actually, the first sound to vibrate our newly developed hearing apparatus is the pulse of our mother's blood through her veins and arteries. We vibrate to that primordial rhythm even before we have ears to hear. "

Let Others Inspire You.

Jamie has such a special gift of creating a safe space in the group. It allowed me to really be me and to be able to dig into what I needed to do on this journey. And I felt safe to share it with others in the group. Truly special and changed how I walk in the world.
The program far exceeded my expectations, I now will always remember you. You gave me
a place to talk of magic, mysteries, of ancient knowing’s, of raw truths and trauma and
simply holding space, reflecting back to us what you see, we were all alchemized…what
more is there to say. As we have spoken, this has to be experienced, for words cannot
describe it adequately.
Shannon Oberle - Yoga Therapy Graduate
Sandra Swanson- WILD Woman

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